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Journal : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian

PENGARUH PEMBERIAN PUPUK ORGANIK CAIR LIDAH BUAYA (Aloe vera) TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN BIBIT KOPI ROBUSTA (Coffea canephora,Pierre) Muhardi, Muhardi; Syafrinal, Syafrinal; Yulia, Arnis En
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian Vol 6 (2019): Edisi 1 Januari s/d Juni 2019
Publisher : Jurnal Online Mahasiswa (JOM) Bidang Pertanian

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The objective of this research is to determine the effect of giving Aloe Vera Biofertilizer Liquid and to get the best concentration to increase the growth of Robusta coffee seeds. This research was conducted at experimental station of the Faculty of Agriculture, Riau University. This research was conducted experimentally using a Completely Randomized Design consisting of five treatments and four replications. The treatment in this study was the treatment without Aloe Vera Biofertilizer Liquid, Aloe Vera Biofertilizer Liquid concentration 5 ml.l-1 air, 10 ml.l-1 air, 15 ml.l-1 air and 20 ml.l-1 air. The data obtained were analyzed by variance and tested further with Duncan new range test at the level of 5 %. The observed parameters were increase in plant height (cm), increase in stem base circumference (cm), increase in number of leaves (strands) and leaf area (cm2). The results showed that the application of Aloe Vera Biofertilizer Liquid with a concentration of 20 ml.l-1 air is the best concentration in increasing the growth of Robusta coffee seeds. Keywords :Coffee Seed, Aloe Vera Biofertilizer
Co-Authors Abd. Hadid Abubakar M. Lajhie Aisyah Putri Aldi, Aldi Alex Kurniawandy Amiruddin Sahabu Anggriana, Anna Anita Febriani Annesia Malantiyaz Arnis En Yulia Benni Harianto Naibaho Charles AN Christoporus, Christoporus D Gandana Madjakusumah Dance Tangkesalu Darsin Darsin Dedy Yasriady Devi Melisa Veronica Dewa Ariembawa Diandra, Roni Dodi Pratama Effendy Effendy Efrian Saputra Ellia Marlina Fadlan Fadlan Fajrian Saddek Ferry Fatnanta Fonda, Hendry Galang Maulana Gunawan Wibisono Hadiyan Putra, Hadiyan Hamida, Hayatul Handri Handri Hayatul Hamida Holid Holid Imam Hanafi Indah Fitriana Juliasman, Rendy Dwi Krisna, Daniel Surya Lita Darmayanti M. Nur Sangadji Made Antara Mahfudz Mahfudz Maman Sutisna Muh Fardhal Pratama Muhammad Basir Cyio Muhammad Hafizh Anwar Muhammad Naufal Rivan Muhammad Rofiq Muhammad Syafnil Ramadhan Muhd Nur Sangadji Nurchi Syahri Ordila, Rian Parlan, Parlan Prayitno, Dwi Imam Puspa Ningrum Rahma Silva Anita Ralan Ditra Refni Wahyuni Reynaldi Saputra Ridwan Hamdani Rio Hidayat Rizqi Yuliana Robi Handi Putra Roni Indra Lesmana Rosianti Mokoginta Rostiati Dg Rahmatu Rustam Abdul Rauf s, Pirmadona Sabna, Eka Said Defri Ariandi Salsabila Hasanah Sanjaya, Gigih Saputra, Adetia Sentana, Jeri Trio Soewignjo Agus Nugroho Sri Anjar Lasmini Sri Suwarsi Sundaya Sundaya Suryadi Ramadhan Syafrinal, Syafrinal Tabah Miftahudin Toni, Afriwan Wardah Wardah Warsidah, Warsidah Wijaya, Agus Sunar Winda Sari Yani Oktavia Yohanis Tambing Yuda Irawan Yulia Beikircher Z, Harist Febrie R Zalna, Zalna